Homeopathic Teething Tablets Could Cause Severe Side Effects

Homeopathic Teething Tablets Could Cause Severe Side Effects The Federal Trade Commission and The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) are investigating more than 400 reports of severe adverse events in infants after the administration of homeopathic teething tablets containing Belladonna or deadly nightshade, a potent alkaloid associated with seizures, tremor, lethargy, shortness of...

Lowering Exposure to Arsenic in Your Baby’s Food

Lowering Exposure to Arsenic in Your Baby’s Food If you feed your baby rice cereal, you might want to offer other grains like oatmeal and barley instead, because rice contains a high amount of arsenic. A natural element, arsenic is found in water, air and soil, but it is also linked to...

When Should You Begin Sleep Training Your Baby?

When Should You Begin Sleep Training Your Baby? A recent study in the June 2016 Pediatrics entitled “Behavioral Interventions for Infant Sleep Problems: A Randomized Controlled Trial” may provide some assurance to most parents worried about letting their children “cry it out” during sleep training. The concerns have been that behavioral training...

Four Vaccination Myths Every Parent Should Know

Four Vaccination Myths Every Parent Should Know Vaccines prevent diseases and help to lower the rates of diseases in the United States. For example, before the pertussis or Whooping Cough vaccine was developed, there were 150,000 to 260,000 cases each each year which resulted in 9,000 deaths. A recent study surveyed eight...

3 Tips for Getting Your Newborn to Sleep Through the Night

3 Tips for Getting Your Newborn to Sleep Through the Night Getting a baby to sleep through the night is a dream of sleepy new parents everywhere, although it may not be as hard as you think. By understanding the basics about sleeping, and utilizing the right infant sleeping strategies, a full-nights rest is...

7 Facts About the Benefits of Breastfeeding

7 Facts About the Benefits of Breastfeeding If you are a new mom, you may have questions about breastfeeding versus formula. At Pediatric Center of Round Rock, we agree breastfeeding is best for the baby because in addition to providing the best nutrition, it also primes the immune system which prevents infections,...

Why Breast Milk is Best for Your Baby

Why Breast Milk is Best for Your Baby Though breast feeding can be difficult at the beginning, particularly for first time mothers, it gets easier. I speak from experience and encourage other mothers to continue to breastfeed as long as you are able because somewhere between seeing newborns for their 2 week...

5 Things To Consider When Choosing Where to Deliver Your Baby

5 Things To Consider When Choosing Where to Deliver Your Baby In most cases, you will deliver your baby where your healthcare provider has admitting privileges. At the Pediatric Center of Round Rock, our doctors have admitting privileges at North Austin Medical Center, Round Rock Medical Center and Dell Children’s Hospital. We...

Can Probiotics Help Sooth Colic? The Facts and the Myths

Can Probiotics Help Sooth Colic? The Facts and the Myths Parents will try almost anything to soothe a colicky baby in the middle of the night. Sleep deprivation by parents combined with good marketing strategies have created a successful industry designed to convince parents to try more and more products to treat...