Healthy Kids

The Top 10 Flu Myths: Do you know the difference between fact and fiction?

The Top 10 Flu Myths: Do you know the difference between fact and fiction? Many families are experiencing flu this...

Dangers of E-Cigarettes: 3 Ways Liquid Nicotine Can Kill Your Child

Dangers of E-Cigarettes: 3 Ways Liquid Nicotine Can Kill Your Child Parents, you may have noticed the introduction of a...

What Parents Should Know About the Measles Outbreak

The On-going Measles Outbreak The story is not new, although it is making news every day. Over one year ago...

Upper Respiratory Virus (RSV) Season is Here

Upper Respiratory Virus (RSV) Season is Here The Respiratory Syncytial Virus is a winter virus that causes upper respiratory infections...

New Information About the Flu Vaccine and It’s Effectiveness

The Flu vaccine came late to our office this season, but we are now administering the vaccine to patients of...

Flu Vaccinations Guard Against Spread of Virus to Small Children and the Elderly

Flu Vaccinations Guard Against Spread of Virus to Small Children and the Elderly Flu season in the United States is...

Attention New Parents: Vitamin K Injection May Save Your Baby’s Life

Attention New Parents: Vitamin K Injection May Save Your Baby’s Life Controversy surrounds the administration of Vitamin K injections for...

Teach Your Kids The Right Way to Wash Their Hands

Teach Your Kids The Right Way to Wash Their Hands I’m sure you’re already experiencing runny noses, coughs, and colds...

Is There a Gun in Your Home? One More Question Parents Must Ask

Is There a Gun in Your Home? One More Question Parents Must Ask During well-check visits I remind children of...

New Regulations for Car Seat Safety in 2014

New Regulations for Car Seat Safety in 2014 With new child seat safety recommendations set to change in 2014, what’s...

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