Fireworks Safety for Kids

Fireworks Safety for Kids

Each year the use of fireworks results in injuries that require a visit to the emergency room. The U.S Product Safety Commission reported that the most common injuries were burns and lacerations to the face, head and hands. It is also estimated that 40% of these life-threatening injuries involved children ages 15 and younger. All fireworks can cause injury even smaller legal fireworks such as sparklers and bottle rockets.

If you plan to use fireworks during your annual Fourth of July celebration follow these important safety tips:

  • Never allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks including sparklers. Sparklers burn at temperatures of 2,000 degrees
  • Never position your body directly over fireworks when lighting a fuse
  • Never try to re-light or pick up fireworks that haven’t ignited fully
  • Keep a bucket of water or hose close nearby in case of emergency
  • Put used fireworks in a bucket of water before disposing of them in the trash to prevent fire
  • Never point or throw fireworks at another person

Avoid the danger of these burns during the fourth of July :

First Degree Burn: A first degree burn involves the first layer of skin. An example is a sunburn. Symptoms: Red and painful to touch Mild Swelling Treatment: Immerse in fresh, cool water Apply a non-adhesive bandage or clean cloth to the area Don’t apply ointments or butter to the burn to prevent infection Second Degree Burn: Second degree burns involve the first two layers of skin. Symptoms: Deep reddening of the skin Pain Blisters Possible loss of some skin Treatment: Don’t break blisters Elevate arms and legs Prevent shock by laying the victim flat with elevated legs and place coat and blanket over the injured person Seek medical treatment immediately Third Degree Burns: A third degree burn penetrates the skin and destroys tissue. Symptoms: Loss of skin layers Skin may appear charred with patches that are white, brown and black Skin is dry and leathery Often painless, pain may come from first and second degree burns Treatment: Have person sit up if the face is burned Elevate the burned area higher than the victim’s head if possible Watch for signs of shock Seek medical treatment immediately For more information on firework safety and burn treatment visit: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The US Consumer Product Safety Commission