Flu Shots Available for the Entire Family at PCRR

Nurture Kids Pediatrics

Flu Shots Available for the Entire Family at PCRR

Did you know you can bring your whole family to the Pediatric Center of Round Rock for your annual flu shots? In order to stay flu-free this flu season, we recommend that you book your appointment as soon as possible. We have packed this article with tips to stay healthy and advice if you do get sick.

The Right Way to Wash Your Hands

Put your hands under warm or cold running water and use soap. Rub your hands together until the soap lathers and don’t forget the back of your hands, in between your fingers and underneath your nails. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Have the kids since Happy Birthday twice to make hand washing fun! If soap and water aren’t readily available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. However, sanitizers don’t eliminate all germs.

New Antibacterial Soap Dangers

Antibacterial products are now in a variety of household products from cat litters to even ballpoint pens. 45% of soaps overall now contain antibacterial products such as triclosan and triclocarban. By overusing products containing these ingredients, dangerous superbugs can be created. Superbugs are bacterial strains that can’t be treated with medication. Researchers suggest only using antibacterial products when necessary such as when caring for the sick.

The Difference Between a Cold and Allergies

It is sometimes difficult to tell whether it is a cold or allergies from particles such as pollen or mold. Colds are caused from viruses that get into your immune system. Symptoms such as congestion and coughing are your body’s response to the virus. When the body mistakes harmless substances for viruses such as dust, allergies occur. You experience cold-like symptoms because the body releases histamine. Histamine is also released when a real virus enters the body. Visit this chart for more information on colds and allergies.

Changes to the BRAT Diet Recommendations

New research shows that children should eat a well-balanced diet of meat, yogurt, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables instead of the go-to Bananas-Applesauce-Rice-Toast regimen. The BRAT diet lacks the nutritional value needed to help a child’s gastrointestinal tract recover.