Quality, Quantity and Timing at Every Age

Nurture Kids Pediatrics

Quality, Quantity and Timing at Every Age

Sometimes, breastfeeding can be inconvenient. It is neither cheap, fast or available. However, many mothers chose to give the best when the best is needed. Scientifically proven facts tell us that breastfeeding is beneficial in numerous ways.

In my book, The Step Up Diet, I teach the concept of “Quality, Quantity, and Timing” to guide your decisions in preparing food and feeding your family. These principles are evident right from the birth of a child. As a breastfeeding mother, you’re providing the highest quality, in the quantity the baby needs, and the timing that the baby needs every single day.

Once when I was speaking at a local high school, a student stated that breastfeeding was equivalent to fast food because it seemed to be fast, cheap and available. Mothers who have breastfed in the past, know this is simply not the case. Let’s look at the basis for the argument.

Breastfeeding is FAST

Really? Breastfeeding takes so much longer than feeding a baby a bottle. Breast milk is also easier to digest than formula so it requires more feedings throughout the day and night.


Try to tell that to the many mothers who are giving up salaries and time at work in order to give their baby the best nutrition possible. While breastmilk doesn’t cost anything in theory, it takes time to breastfeed which can result in lost wages.


Many mothers must sacrifice meetings and outings because their baby may require a feeding at anytime. Many mothers who don’t feel comfortable breastfeeding in public opt to stay home in order to feed their babies in the privacy of their own homes.

Why do we stop giving our children the best nutritional choices after we stop breastfeeding? Too often, we reach for sugary drinks, snacks and sweets to calm children and keep them satisfied until mealtimes. Sadly, parents of toddlers no longer have the Quality, Quantity, Timing mentality that guided them through the first year of life. In order to keep our children on the right track and prepare them for adulthood we must not stop at breastfeeding! Remember, the recipe for creating healthy family eating habits is Quality, Quantity and Timing.

In my book, The Step Up Diet, I provide a step-by-step plan to help families experience what it is like to eat the right way. The Step Up Diet teaches the body and the brain to recognize what types of food are healthy to eat, and to establish a healthy eating schedule. By focusing on one step—one segment of the day—at a time, the ultimate goal becomes less overwhelming and more manageable, helping us stay on target with our goals of eating healthier in 2013.