Tips for Protecting Your Baby from Dangers in the Home

Nurture Kids Pediatrics

Tips for Protecting Your Baby from Dangers in the Home

Every year, infants and children are injured by hazards that exist inside their own home. You will probably spend the most time with your new baby at home so it is important to take measures to ensure your child is safe.

Along with the tips listed below, we have included a list of inexpensive devices you can purchase to baby-proof your home.


  • Avoid giving your baby hard or round foods such as hot dogs, cheese sticks, grapes and popcorn
  • Supervise your baby when he or she is eating and playing
  • Use a small parts tester to ensure toys are not too small to put your baby at risk for choking
  • Learn CPR for infants


  • Remove pillows, blankets and stuffed animals from your baby’s crib
  • Don’t allow babies to sleep on regular beds, couches, chairs or other soft surfaces
  • Don’t allow babies to play with plastic bags


  • Keep cords and strings out of reach
  • Use cordless window coverings and examine all blinds for exposed cords in the front, side and back
  • Remove hood and neck drawstrings from clothing
  • Make sure all crib-railing slats are secure and no more than 2 and 3/8 inches a part

Fall Prevention:

  • Move chairs, cribs and furniture away from window.
  • You should secure heavy furniture by using wall-angle braces and anchors. Injuries happen when these surfaces aren’t secured and they tip over.
  • Use corner edge bumpers to prevent injuries from falls against sharp edges such as fireplaces and furniture.
  • Use safety gates on the top and bottom of staircases. You should look for gates that children can’t open easily but adults can use without difficulty. For the top of the stairs, you should only use gates that screw into the wall.
  • Always strap your baby into high chairs, carriers, swings and strollers

Click here for or a complete list of child safety tips.

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